Best WWE Doubles Tag Team Ever

WWE have seen many era from Golden Era to Attitude era and tag teams have always been interesting instrument to build excitement among fans.

It is April of 2024 going on we are going to remember some of the best pairs or tag team champions from the history of WWE.

We will start counting the pairs from the attitude till now.

So let’s begin :

1) Dudley Boys :

Dudley Boys are known as team 3D. The team of Bubba Ray and Devon is known for the use of tables in the matches.

You can see the Dudley boys glimpse here :

Author : WWE , Dudley Boys

Remembering Dudley boys is like going back to our childhood and bring back some of the best memories from the past.

Dudley boys are well known for their TLC matches along with Edge, Christian and Hardy Boys.

Dudley boys were popular in the attitude era and today they are one of the legendary teams ever in the WWE.

Today the team have their own Wrestling academy in Kissimmee Florida.

The Dudley Boys have brought their ruthlessness from the ECW and their roots belong with ECW.

Finishing Move :

The Dudley Boys finishing move used to be a 3D or Dudley Death Drop generally through a table which brings super excitement in fans.

2) Edge and Christian :

Edge & Christian are known tag team champions for their ladder matches in the WWE.

Today Edge and Christians are wrestling individually but in old days the team of Edge & Christian used to be a hard core tag team.

You can see Edge and Christian in action here :

Author : WWE

Edge and Christian became more famous as individual talent in the Ruthless Aggression era.

Edge could be seen in his prime when he faced many WWE superstars like John Cena, Randy Ortan and Undertaker etc.

Edge and Christian due to their superb talent have managed to become one of the best legendary superstars in WWE history.

Finishing Moves :

The Spear used by Edge is one of the most famous one.
Christian uses the Killswitch as his finishing move.

3) Kurt Angle & Chris Benoite :

Kurt Angle and Chris Benoite are one of the best individual wrestlers ever in WWE. But in the past Kurt and Chris Benoite both have been together as tag team also.

The best thing about Kurt Angle and Chris Benoite used to be the technicality of the pair and athleticism.

Both Kurt Angle and Chris Benoite used to be great in delivering German Suplexes. Both used to be quick.

Take a look at Kurt Angle’s most thrilling tap outs :

Author : WWE

Finishing Moves :

Kurt Angle had his special Olympic Slam. Whereas Chris Benoite used to be famous for ” Arm Trap Crossface “.

The pair simply could beat anyone and they are known to be one of the very first tag team champions in the Smackdown era in 2002.

4) Cesaro & Sheamus :

Cesaro or Claudio Castagnoli is currently in AEW but there was a time in WWE when Cesaro looked like he can defeat almost anyone in WWE.

Sheamus also is known for his strength and personality in WWE.

Both Cesaro & Sheamus are well known for their individual success in the WWE. Cesaro has been a United States Champion in the past. Whereas Sheamus has been a great WWE champion.

Author : WWE

Cesaro have teamed up with Jack Swagger also which defeated Cody Rhodes and Goldust in the past.

Finishing Move :

Sheamus Brogue Kick is well known and lethal for any opponent.
Cesaro finishing move would be a swing and The Neutralizer.

5) The New Day :

The New Day has been very popular in past few years.

The New Day presents us everything from great moves to laughter and comedy, everything.

Finishing Moves :

The New Day finishing moves would be Powerbomb, Diving DDT and Pendulum Back Breaker Combination or Diving Double Foot Stomp.

Author : WWE

At present it seems like The New Day has not been given that much emphasis when new tag teams are coming in. But anyways The New Day still have it and we hope that The New Day last long in the WWE to serve us great amount of happiness.

6) The Usos :

Jimmi & Jay Uso have been a successful duo in the WWE for recent years. Jay Uso now a days is seen to be producing successful single matches performances as well.

Just like The New Day the Uso team also have produced a spark in the doubles team division and the team looks promising.

Author : WWE

Finishing Moves :

The Uso Splash and 1D.

Both of the Rickishi’s sons have produced some of the best matches in the past. The Bloodline civil war match should be a must seen match for sure.

Author : WWE

There are some experiments seen with the Uso team when the duo breaks apart from each other but the single matches from Jay Uso also seems to be a very good success overall.

We have seen good single match performances from Jay Uso but we don’t want to miss out on the team Uso as well in future.

So let’s see how it goes for the Usos in the future.

7) Kevin Owens & Sami Zayn :

Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn both have known each other for so long and they gell up very well with each other as tag team also.

Both Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn are seem to be having more single matches success rather having a long term doubles team success.

The team looks great and it seems like both of them can make a team anytime you want. It is like having a DX team just like Triple H and Shaun Michaels.

Both Kevin and Sami have become a bigger individual stars rather than becoming a doubles team stars.

Author : WWE

Finishing Moves :

Kevin Owens uses Pop Up Power Bomb as his finishing move which looks super powerful.
Sami Zayn uses Helluva Kick as his finishing move.
KO also uses stunner as well as his finishing move.

Both Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens have shown a great amount of charisma and flair in their performances. This pair fulfills WWE’s need for a longer period of time.

8) Kane and Rob Van Dam :

Kane and Rob Van Dam’s pair won tag team championship just once but this duo is remembered because they had great potential.

Kane & RVD had everything that a top class doubles champions need to have.

Author : WWE

Finishing Moves :

Kane uses a Choke Slam and Tomb Stone Pile Driver that can get him over any opponent.

Rob Van Dam uses a frog splash and his technical abilities are enough to get him a win against any opponent.

Kane had to lose his mask during this time with RVD and many fans believe that Kane and RVD would have put on more successful doubles matches but it could not go on further.

This could be a great devastating pair with awesome talent but WWE just lost the pair somehow and Kane and RVD pair discontinued.

9) The Miz & R truth :

R Truth and Miz have been in the WWE for so long and finally at present (in 2024) the pair have won their doubles tag team championship.

Finishing Moves :

R Truth seems to be playing comedy all the time with his John Cena moves but R Truth have a great physic as well.

The Miz Uses Skull Crushing Finale.

Author : WWE

Just like The Usos and The New Day, R Truth and The Miz have produced a pair that is promising and that WWE can rely.

The duo looks new and comic but they have the seriousness to continue with the championship for sure.

10) Finn Balor & Damian Priest :

Finn Balor & Damian Priest have succeeded to produce a pair that is negative and that can show an impact as well.

Finishing Moves :

Damian Priest has a great choke slam of his own.
Finn Balor use the finishing move called Coup De Grace.

Here are some glimpse of WrestleMania 40, 6 team ladder match :

Author : WWE

11) Austine Theory & Greyson Waller :

Austine Theory & Greyson Waller is a team that is still making them selves used to to the crowd.
Both the team mates are looking young and strong.

Once the crowd is used to and give more acceptance the team can really put on a great show.

Author : WWE

The team still looks like a team that has not ripened up. The team looks like a newbie or a rookie team that has many more things to show up in the future.

12) Hardy Boys :

Hardy Boys have produced some of the best doubles tag team champions in the history of the WWE ever.

Matt Hardy, Jeff Hardy and Lita used to be part of the team Hardy.

Here are some of the best moments from Hardy Boys :

Author : WWE

As mentioned earlier the Hardy Boys have been one of the best Hard Core duos of the WWE.

Hardy Boys brought the best out of TLC and hard core matches that we can only think of in the open era.

Concluding the Article :

Some of the teams in this list are still new and growing but the teams from the Attitude Era have given us the best performances ever.

The Dudley Boys, The Hardy Boys and the team of Edge and Christian have been the greatest doubles teams ever. All three teams have been very charismatic all through their careers.

The New Day and The Usos look promising in the open era, however new teams are coming in and time will tell what happens.

Apart from there are many new teams coming in from NXT so the future of doubles tag team is looking good in WWE.

Enjoy Wrestling

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