In this blog you are going to get basic idea about how to prepare for board exams.
In this blog you are going to learn about how to mentally prepare yourself for getting prepared for board exams.
We already know that there are tuitions available and there are many better schools that are producing best students every year. The competition is so much that students lose peace of mind while preparation and do not get satisfying results.
So in this blog you can find some of the best ways for exam preparations that will mentally prepare you for board exams.
How to Prepare For Board Exams :
Here are mental steps and psychological process for Board exams preparations.
1) See your Books first and Know your Books first :
In our days when we were in 12th standard we hardly got time to even know the books well. 12th Board rush is so much that most of the students get beaten by the flow of the studies.
So the best thing to do is that take the books and see the books and try to feel and know the books very well.
Get the books and try to read and know the chapters of that book before your tuitions start those chapters.
This process is like having the glimpse of the chapters before it gets started.
Once you know that what you will have to study in the up coming year you will be better at studies.
2) Don’t get Affected By Rush :
As mentioned earlier tuitions and schools are giving so tight schedules that you literally have to run from here and there for studies in board exams.
For many students it is hard to manage times between studies and routine life. So don’t get affected by the rush while board exams.
Get yourself at ease. If you are relaxed and calm while studies, you will get more out of your studies.
Try to give more chances and more time to yourself while board exam years. Make sure that you don’t get your time wasted at tuitions and schools.
Try to give yourself the control that you need so that you do not get affected by hectic schedule of schools and tuition.
Take your own decisions and give yourself more and more time so that rush of hectic time table cannot affect you.
3) Always remember that you can take a Break :
Here is a story of a girl who took a break after 10th Standard and did very well in her college.
So the thing is that if you are not ready for the exams, talk to your teachers and guides and try to give yourself a fair chance.
From my own experience I say it, that I was fully ready in class 10th and I got good marks in class 10 whereas in class 12 it was a more suffocative experience and I was not at all ready I did not get good marks.
Preparedness is a key and many students don’t do well in 12th board just because they are not much prepared and many are suffocated or mismanaged.
If you are feeling that you are not able to give yourself a fair chance for this year, then you can try for getting a break.
Many students might even don’t know that taking a break would be an option but try to take guidance from your good teachers and parents and you will definitely get good guidance.
4) Don’t Hesitate to Talk to your Parents and Teachers :
As mentioned earlier there are many decisions like changing tuitions or schools or taking breaks from education a student might have to take, and for that you need to talk to your teachers and parents.
Those students who have a healthy communication with their parents and teachers have more chances for success. Those students who are not having good communications with elders might will have to suffer.
So always try to give proper idea to your teachers and students about your future plannings that what you have to do.
If your parents or teachers are not listening to you then it is better you might change tuitions or schools and go to those schools who listen to you.
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5) Get your Books and Digests readily Available :
As mentioned earlier don’t get affected by rush produced by tuitions and schools.
Get yourself ready with your books and digests and make sure that you don’t run for it afterwards when the whole course is finished.
Make the list of the books and digest that you will need during the whole year.
Prepare yourself with the books and digests and get the whole study plan created that how you want to study your books.
6) See the Paper Style or Marks Weightage :
Another very important point is the paper style.
See the paper style before you even start the studies so that you can get the idea about the subjects.
Knowing the paper style and marks weightage gives you proper idea which chapters are more important.
Knowing the marks weightage or paper style will give you more idea how you want to prepare for studies.
7) Take your own Decisions :
Many times schools or tuitions are not able to give you the atmosphere you need, so in these circumstances you should take your own decision and leave that atmosphere.
As mentioned earlier do not hesitate to show your point of view to your teachers and parents.
As mentioned earlier you can take a break also and leave or change your tuitions or schools also, listen to your heart and mind.
These days no one cares about wasting 1 year. If your schools and tuitions are not producing good results then anyways the study is going to get wasted.
In short take your own decisions. You can change schools, tuitions and take breaks from studies also and take your own decisions.
8) Create a better routine :
Once you get to know the paper style and when you are ready with your books you can go for creating a better study routine.
Your study routine should be so sublime that you are one with your studies.
As mentioned earlier if you are not affected by the negativity of schools and tuitions then you can form a study atmosphere which can work well for you.
Make a nice time table and try to complete studies as per time table.
9) What to do if Studies do not go as per Time Table :
Many times subjects are so heavy that you will fall short of time which can be dangerous in board exam years.
If you are at ease and when you are giving better quality, relaxed time to your studies you will manage to complete studies in time.
As mentioned earlier if you feel that tuition and school time studies are mismanaged and you are not coping up with pressure then you can think of taking a break.
Taking breaks from studies or schools or taking holidays from schools can give you more time to study.
If your time table is not getting managed as per your way then get holidays from your school and you will get better time for studies.
Talk to your schools to be more open about attendance.
Try to do self studies rather then mis managing yourself in schools and tuitions.
10) Try to do Self Studies and become a Private Candidate :
Many times students don’t find better study atmosphere in schools and tuitions, in these circumstances you can think of becoming a private candidate as well.
You can talk to your schools about becoming a private candidate so that you don’t have to suffer the suffocation at schools and tuitions.
As a private candidate you can give good amount of time and control to your studies.
I think in near future many students are going to go for private candidacy only because you have more control with your studies.
11) Do not get Disappointed :
Always remember that you are studying for yourself and you are not showing it to anyone.
Do not get disheartened even if you get bad marks or you get failed even.
As mentioned earlier try to take control of your situations and you will get better results for sure.
Do not get disheartened or disappointed by anyone or by any results, world is changing and you will get better results next time for sure.
Final thoughts :
Concluding this article I would say all these points are very important for psychologically preparing yourself for the board exams.
Time management, Having more control with studies and knowing your rights while board exams are one of the very important points.
I would say try to have good guides and teachers around you so that you can get better counseling that what to do in your board exam years.
Do not get disheartened or discouraged with the results and try to give yourself a fair chance to get better results.
After almost 15-17 years I am also trying to get a well improved result from my state board exams as well. Soon I am also going to give a board exam as well in science stream to get a better result.
I hope you like this blog
Best Of Luck
Happy learnings