Disclaimer : I cannot give 100% cure of depression here but here I have given psychological points that can help anyone to think on depression and to get rid of depression.
Here at Sunday Sprout we give various research and solutions on various topics.
In this blog I am going to give you Depression Treatment Therapy that can help you psychologically to get over Depression.
Let’s first see common information about Depression.
Depression :
As per Wikipedia Depression is characterized by a low mood and aversion to activity. But I would rather add that depression is a feeling of sadness which persists for longer amount of time and turns into depression.
Prevalence: As of 2020, it affects about 3.5% of the global population (~280 million people).
Impact: Depression influences thoughts, behavior, feelings, and well-being, reducing pleasure and motivation.
- Emotional: Sadness, dejection, hopelessness.
- Cognitive: Difficulty thinking and concentrating.
- Physical: Changes in appetite and sleep patterns.
- Severe: Suicidal thoughts.
Types of Depression :
Some common forms of depression include :
- Major Depressive Disorder (MDD): Persistent and severe symptoms lasting at least two weeks.
- Persistent Depressive Disorder (Dysthymia): Milder symptoms lasting for two years or longer.
- Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD): Depression linked to changes in seasons, often occurring in winter.
- Postpartum Depression: Depression after childbirth.
- Bipolar Disorder: Alternating episodes of depression and mania.
Let’s begin with Depression Treatment Therapy.
Depression Treatment Therapy :
The psychological curing points that I give to you can cure most of the types of the Depressions.
1) Get to the Root Cause of the Depression :
Depression is the feeling of hopelessness, dejection and sadness which persists for longer amount of time and gets converted into depression.
So when you are getting to the root cause of the sadness or dejection you can put an end to most of the depression causes.
For example :
Suppose, you are getting depressed in the school due to bullying. So, bullying is the reason of your sadness.
To get rid of this cause of depression, you can either complain to your parents or tell your situation to the teachers about how your are getting depressed in the school.
If no one is solving your problem you can leave the school or study coding at home also.
Example 2 :
You are sad with a break up and you get depressed with it.
So, the break up is your depression cause and you should take steps to get better out of the break up.
Solution might be that meet your old friends again that you had break up with and try to say good bye in a better way rather than fighting with them.
2) Try to be Happy :
If you have found the root cause of the depression then most of your problem is solved. Now the next step is easier, just try to be happy.
Happiness you can find in smaller things in your life, you don’t have to achieve bigger goals to be happy in life.
Where you can find happiness in life :
–Listen to jokes and songs that gets you happiness.
–Sometimes Depression is attached with Social Anxiety also. Here are more things that can beat your loneliness or Social Anxiety.
— Travel to places or even take walk to near places that will bring freshness in your mind.
— Meet old friends.
— Make new friends.
3) Set Small Goals and Achieve them :
Sometimes burden of bigger goals gets us under depression. So try to set smaller goals and try to achieve them.
Setting up smaller goals and achieving them will make the better atmosphere for you to go ahead in life and achieve bigger.
Sometimes Depression and anxiety is so serious that you cannot even go out of your house. So, in these kinds of situations setting up clear goals that what you want to do in your life gives you a purpose of your life and you can act upon them.
4) Get a good and Healthy Routine :
Many times we keep on doing certain things that we want to get rid of, but we are stuck in that ” Karma Cycle “.
The absolute thing is that we should break this cycle of karma or habit that gets us under depression and get a good routine which can bring happiness to us.
For Example :
Suppose, someone is stuck in a bad habit of masterbation which gets him or her out of anxiety for some amount of time but it gets me under depression for longer.
So what should I do ? I will try to find out root causes to treat the bad habit of masterbation and I will try to pay attention to my life goals which will give me my purpose of life.
Slowly I will go away from bad habits and I will try to form a new routine life where there is more happiness.
This is how Good and Healthy routine will bring super cool environment in your life which is full of happiness and you can get rid of depression.
5) Get Good People Around You :
Sometimes depression in life is due to bad people around you.
As mentioned earlier try to solve the root cause of the depression and try to leave those people who are causing you depression.
Try to look for friends who listen to your problems and who are supportive and try to go away from those people who are bringing depression to you.
If you cannot leave the people who give you depression then try to make them understand your situation, who knows maybe you will find support from them also.
6) Try to take control of your life :
Many times we cannot control our lives fully and that becomes the reason of depression in our lives.
Try to take your own decisions fully without getting affected by others.
Many times we might fall in fights with others when we are taking our life decisions, in these situations try to make others understand what you want to do with your life.
For Example :
I want to leave my school or college due to depression but my parents are not listening to me.
In these kinds of situation I would try to show more options to my parents like Online courses or coding courses where I can make my parents understand that what I actually want to do.
Final Thoughts :
All in all this amount of points to treat Depression would be more than enough.
I will try to add more points in this research which is a psychological treatment of depression.
Concluding this article I would say finding out the root causes of depression and acting on your habits can really help you out to treat depression.
I would say medications related with depression would always be the last option to treat these kinds of diseases like depression.
Depression can be acute which can become chronic or long term. If you concentrate on yourself and what is going on around you then you can definitely get rid of depression.
I hope you like this article
Happy Living